Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008年到数看到的烟花,还深刻在我心。没想到现在已是2009年了。今年,得到了很多意想不到的东西,也经历了很多意料不到的事。对某些事有期望,但也得到更大的失望。 无数次的失落和打击,我还在学习慢慢的放开和接受。这过程里,有很多的笑声,也有很多了泪水。对于那些突发事件,我也坦然接受了。。开始时有点辛苦的。但,渐渐的也适应了。或许对于有些事情,我看得很开。。。真的。。


今年我也经历了很多的第一次。这些新的经验,让2008年 充满了美好的回忆。最可贵的就是认识了些好朋友,让我的2008年如此精彩。圣诞和新年期间,有些朋友送了我一些小礼物,所谓礼轻心意重,我深深感受到这道理。我也做了一些小礼物送给她们,但昨天忘了带给她们(人老了就是这样,哈哈!)。这小小礼物,有着我大大的心意和祝福,希望她们会喜欢啦!



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dinner For One..

After reading Ching's blog today, I suddenly had a crush for spagatti. It has been a while I haven't cook that....if I must recall, it was like 3 years ago?? I rarely miss my own cooking, I gotta admit I don't cook exceptionally well these days. I used to have more passion in cooking and better skills when I was in Kuching. Eversince I moved to KL, this interest dropped, so as my cooking gets worse by the days with my cooking habits of bimonthly or even less.
It was raining cat and dog when I left the office, luckily the rain subsided when I got home. I went to pasar malam to get the ingredients. I didn't have anything specific on my mind, I was thinking of making it erm..fusion?? I bought ham, sausages, capsicon, onion and tomato (just whatever came to my mind).
I quickly got home after that (I felt like I couldn't wait to cook after the afternoon craving). I cut everything into cubes, stir fried the ingredients and pour in the tomato paste. It took about 45 minutes to prepare everything. The tomato paste was a bit too sourish, but overall, it wasn't too bad. I didn't even put salt in it, (trying to be healthy) lolz.

I finished a big bowl of it on my own with my eyes on tv drama. I haven't felt so much fun eating alone since Steve has gone for his Paris trip. It doesn't taste exceptionally nice, nor bad. It was just mediocre but I felt so much warmth eating it and was very contented with the meal.
I actually cooked extra wanting to give to my colleaugue, but since it didn't pass my QA for this round, I guess I would need to improvise first before I let her taste my cooking *teTtTt*

I guess cooking can be fun, even if you are alone, so long you are enthusiastic about it. =)

Friday, December 5, 2008




工作烦,现在自己该做什么都不知道,每个人都说,看到什么就做什么。难道,就不能好好的规律化一下吗? 我做好我的本份就是,那也就算了。星期六,星期天还要工作,想好好休息也不能。。那也就算了。

那个人 常逍遥的旅游去,不管我这里多么寂寞也算了。。失落时想要找个肩膀依靠一下都没有,那也就算了。。明年还想到巴厘岛写书三两个月也算了。。不想要什么山盟海誓,也算了。偶尔妈妈唠唠叨叨说我还不定下来“掉理浪荡”的,那也就算了。我朋友说我都不年轻了,还不结婚,那也就算了。。我家人说,我别整天想赚钱,那也算了。。别人看我不顺眼,我一笑而过,那也算了。。我活到这三十岁,有什么时候不是都算了算了的过?






Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I am glamorous, o0o0o

After the 4 hours of standing...with my heels, and really a lot of photo shooting from different angles, this was the photo chosen *TaDaHhHhH!!* erm, well, my face kinda look bloated here like a balloon! geeez...well, this is the confirmed photo chosen by Laureate, so it's final *sweat*. I heard the ad would be up on the 5th December, I am glamourous, lolz




