Sunday, July 11, 2010

Monday Blue

I woke up on a groomy morning, with weather which made me wanted to continue sleeping. My Monday was made "bluer". As usual, I spent about 45 minutes in shower and "fixing my face" before leaving to work. After I started driving, it drizzled. The sky was getting darker, the jam at Loke Yew road was giving me migrain and I heard siren of an ambulance from a distance. "There is always accident during such weather", I thought. After struggling in bumper to bumper on the road, I exit and got into NPE.

The drive was smoother but after the first toll, another ambulance passed by me. "Another accident", I thought. After exiting NPE, I was stucked at the jam of the roundabout and when I was about to exit it to the way of my office, another ambulance passed by me. Out of a sudden I thought I was just damn lucky.

What would all these jam, rain and little Monday blue compared to people who were caught in accident that morning. Sometimes, I feel I have complained more about life than to appreciate it. Little thing like this was an alarming call to remind me that it was, another day to be grateful. Another day to take a deep breath, smile and said "Thank god, I am still breathing."

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