Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fun with Roses..lolz

ahh, it's blur, this is what happened when it was taken by unprofessional photographer lolz

Hmmm, does this look like a tanjung rambutan patience?

My lovely colleague, has made our department some roses rings. It has been for the past few days that she kept complaining that they were ugly before they were given to us. But I think they turned out to be pretty lovely =) and good to be worn for wedding dinners too!

So I have made my choice of the white rose, erm...I have tendency of liking white things lol. Ok, I know what you are thinking, a fat and short hand huh? This is Dad's gen, hehe..

Feeling high, I made few poses....and the papparazi has taken my photos erm with my conciousness lolz

Well, although our department will be seperated soon, but I believe the laughters, joy and the craziness amongst us will stay on. The spirit of CCO!



vcwanyi said...

wow~cool rose shape ring~

Peachy said...

hi, yeah its really nice :) thanks.

Amylia Chan said...

wow~!good art works of these roses rings!hehehe~u look cool with that tango poses!!!XDXDXD~

Peachy said...

lol ty princess :)

bearbemama said...


ching said...


Peachy said...

是啊,我也很开心可以有这班同事 :)

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

DorisJ said...

you girls are kewl..pretty rings!!!
