Saturday, May 22, 2010


刚刚才和病魔说拜拜。 前几天,病的像只死猫似的,全身无力,喉咙沙哑,说话也娇滴滴的。。想起来,我的鸡皮疙瘩都起了。 那么温柔一点都不像自己。休息这么多天,也够了。今晚,还是一样没节目。这,可真是个无聊的星期六。 想一想,这也好像不是我第一次那么无聊的过。怎么都还没习惯呢?往后的周末也是这样吗?唉。。闷!


I just spent 4 days 3 nights at Krabi weeks ago. Havent get any tanner than this for years (since my school days) and darker freckles. I finally found some time doing nothing, gazing at the beach, lazing near the pool, SUNBATHING! I used to think only silly billy would do that lolz.

Krabi is a very peaceful and relaxing place. May to November is their none peak season, so I got to enjoy cheaper food, cheaper hotel, and more bargained advantage in my shopping. Many would go for islands hoping but I didnt (the boats phobia *ehem*). In the morning, there is row of boats waiting to bring tourists to other island nearby Ao Nang beach.

What is really unforgettable is the sunset, simply breathtaking. With the warm breeze blowing, such solitution, such peace....and I am looking forward to such trip again in near future.